Working As a Prosecutor대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-04-06 15:57:32

Many people are living in a safe and righteous society. To make the society safe and righteous, we need a lot of efforts from many jobs. Among them, there are many prosecutors who work for justice with lawyers. They have to think fairly and consider each side's situation. They have to defend their clients, so they need many skills in a large range, especially in speaking and thinking.

▲ One of the American trials.

Prosecutors work in the court to protect victims and to give the suspects maximal penalty. In usual trials, suspects have certain offenses and the prosecutor and lawyer fight for the amount of penalty. However, there are some special situations such as when suspects do crime because of hardship in their life, and suspects are not the real criminals. In a trial, which handles these special situations, prosecutors have to think about the suspects' conditions and sentence penalty. There are lots of variables in trials, so prosecutors need not only large range of knowledge but also some abilities such as empathy and rational thought.

These days, lots of jobs are disappearing because of the improvement of technology. Some of the jobs that had disappeared are mechanical and repetitive jobs which robot can do easily. However, in the case of prosecutors, they have to have delicate emotions and consider not only the victims but also the suspects. It looks like it is hard to invent a robot which has emotion, so the job of prosecutors will not fade away. Also, according to the site, "Career Net," which provides lots of information about jobs and career, because of the features of prosecutor like keeping a stable status, a prosecutor's job will be safe in the future. Moreover, lots of people are still dreaming to become prosecutors, so the employment rate of this job will still be stable. However, the work of prosecutors requires them to take examinations and tests continually, and if they have stayed for a long time in service, they are high to be stressed more.

In the past, there were bar examinations, but examinations are not done anymore these days in Korea. Before the abolition of the bar examination, people who studied other degrees could take an examination and be a prosecutor. However, after the abolition, there is only one way to be a prosecutor, to graduate from a law school. To enter the law school, it is better to go through the Department of Law, but it is not essential. There are students who do not go through the department, but it is hard to get through the law school. How about becoming interested in the prosecutor's job to keep justice in the society in the future by yourself?


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