Mentor of our First Society: School Teacher대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-04-06 16:00:57

It is said that school teacher has been the first place among jobs that elementary school wants for ten years. Like this, many students want to become an elementary teacher, but only passion is not enough to be a good teacher. Then, what teacher needs to keep is not only able to teach but also mind that can care students with love.

▲ Having a lesson with students

There is one mistaken fact about an elementary school teacher. It is "It is very easy to become a teacher". To become a teacher in South Korea, one should go to College of Education. Firstly, it is not easy to go to college. Aspiring teachers should get the average of 1.0 to 1.2 in CSAT in South Korea. Also, it is not ended even though they graduate from the college. The teacher certification examination is coming. This examination is not easy, too. To prepare it, they should study at least 120 books. Like this, to become an elementary school teacher, he or she should study a lot, and they should teach well.

However, it is a big mistake to become a teacher just because someone is good at studying. Aspiring teachers also need education of personality as well as themselves. Good teaching is not to be strung down by a technique. Good lessons come from a teacher's identity and sincerity, said Parker J. Palmer. Like this, a teacher should have a good personality to teach better.

▲ AI Teacher Possible?

As a reporter, I believe a school teacher is the most important job. The reason why I think this way is that teachers make human a human. However, some people believe that elementary school teacher will transfer to AI (Artificial Intelligence). I believe this is clearly wrong. You could think that teaching could be transferred by AI, but my point is not there. It is about Personality. A computer could not teach personality part. However, in one's teenage years which personality will be fixed, it's part is the most important part than any other things. Therefore, I believe AI could not replace teachers, so I believe outlook of education part will be bright forever.

[덧붙이는 글]
출처: 그림1,2: EBS 다큐프라임 번아웃키즈 4부

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