Who Will Be The Judge?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-04-27 16:59:18

▲ The judge who decided impeachment of former president

   A 'judge' has the highest authority in the court. The judge in the court progresses many trials. Not only progresses some trials, but the judge adopts witnesses or evidence, judges some crimes, issues a warrant and does other things. Most of the people think that a judge just progresses some trials and taps his gavel. However, the judge does not just tap his gavel. It is very difficult to decide some conclusions of a trial alone, so there are several judges in a trial.

   Then, how to be a judge? To be a judge, you need to study very hard. University degree should be based on your experience. Moreover, the degree should be good. After graduating from a university, you should go to a 'law school', a graduate school which is specialized in law. While you go to school, you should get score from formal English degree. If you take all of these, you should take BAR Examination to be a lawyer. If you become a lawyer, you should work as a lawyer for more than ten years. Then, you can get opportunity to be a judge. However, good personalities and abilities as well as education are important to be a judge. If you want to be a judge, it is natural to get expert knowledge and language ability. You also should be fair, righteous, reasonable, and other good characteristics.

   According to an interview of Justice Kim Jeong-Hak a Law Times, the judge said, "The trial has to solve a dispute by drawing out a concrete justification in the real world, not by being mired in abstract legal logic or legal ideology." Like this, judge should be honest to all of the trials that judges progress. Moreover, the prospect of judge is quite bright. If you want to be a judge, just give it a try!

[덧붙이는 글]
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