Aerobic Event in Seo Middle School대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-05-25 12:14:58

Do you have any special school events in your school? They are usually tracking meet, training trip, and school trip. However, in Seo Middle School, there is an own special event, "Aerobic Contest." It has been held for 24 years. It is held every year. Also, this event is held in Moonsoo Hoban Square, which is very big that can accommodate about 1400 people. Students can have special time with their teachers and friends.
I had the interview with Anne who is a student in Seo Middle School before the contest. I asked her about what she felt on the aerobic contest. She said that it is her first contest in middle school, so she was very fluttered and expected much about it. Also, I asked her after the contest on, how it was. She said that it was better than she thought, and she was able to make good recollection with her classmates. Also, most teachers said the contest was impressive when the principal danced with the students and during the dance club's performance.
However, even though it is a contest for a good purpose, students say that there are disadvantages in an aerobic contest. It is usually held in summer, so students skin can be burned by sunlight. Then, it is held outside, so more accidents can happen to people. Also, there is much trash after the contest because all students in Seo Middle School come and eat lunch. Finally, there will be competitive with other classes, so students can have a bad relationship with other classes.
Despite these disadvantages, Seo Middle School seems to continue the aerobic contest because it is the traditional event in school, which is continued for 24 years. Also, the principal of Seo Middle School said that an aerobic contest does not only give students good recollection but also makes cooperation with classmates. Therefore, this strong tradition seems to be continued now and forever.

▲ students show performances
▲ there are wide space for students in the square


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