Ukok Middle School Hosts an Enjoyable School Festival대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-05-25 13:38:10

Have you ever been to a school festival with teachers? School festival is a very familiar event to students. However, there is amazing news. It is that teachers participate in the events of the students while other people often take it for granted. However, it is different with Ukok Middle School.

▲ Ukok Middle School

Patrick Kown, a third-year student at Ukok Middle School, said that he was bored with the stage of the same dancing and singing class each time, but the festival became more interesting after the teachers took part. Patrick was already looking forward to the school festival in the second half. He was looking forward to seeing what stage this time. He could not wait to witness the festival because he could also become friendly with the teacher who has a solid image.

While the students' reputations were high, I was curious about the opinions of the Ukok Middle School teachers. Lucas Hwang, a teacher of math, said that in the last festival, he wore pajamas and danced to EDM songs. Students used to think he was a difficult teacher, but now, he can talk to them nicely. He feels good. I asked him why teachers often attend the festival. Lucas said that maybe all the teachers are on his terms. It is to maintain a better relationship with the priests. In fact, teachers also enjoy the festival like students.

▲ Ukok Middle School Festival

For this reason, Ukok Middle School is becoming popular. The students all said in unison that as the years go by, they look forward to seeing the next teachers to perform the stage. The teachers also said that they enjoyed themselves like students during the festival. I believe it is a good idea to have a good relationship with these methods.


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