Day Off for Students, School Festival대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-05-25 12:30:46

What school event do you like the most? School festival is one of the most exciting events for students. The reason is that the event is prepared by the students themselves. In Haksung Girls Middle School, the school festival was held last December 27th.

In the morning, there was a booth operation and booth tour. The first year students prepared the booths essentially such as convenience store, Christmas cafe, room escape cage, and CSER movement. And, the second and third-grade students gave recommendation stickers to the first-grade students. They ranked them according to the number of stickers they had and gave them a monetary. Then there was booth which was held by different clubs, such as art club, science club, and student council.

▲ teachers who seeing the students` works
▲ the posters of students` booths

In the afternoon, the students had performances after lunch. The first year students performed essentially because of their club activities. They played instruments such as recorder and ocarina. Then, the dance club and band club performed. The neighboring middle school band club visited Haksung Girls Middle School and performed, too. Also, Gyeongho High School showed students a nice demonstration.

There was not only enjoyment but also hardships. While students were operating the booths, they suffered from lack of coins to be given as changes. However, they solved the problem together by gathering coins and giving jellies instead of coins. The student managing department teacher said that the difficulties gave students a chance to cooperate and build good teamwork. The festival ended in great success, and the money that the students earned was donated with a voluntary agency.

By: Park Sujin


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