Specific School Event : Career Day대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-05-25 12:32:56

Have you ever had a career experience? Once a year, American schools have a career day. In the career day, children visited the career center's workplace and learn about their jobs. They also invite many people from different kinds of occupations to listen to their speech and experience it, so that they can learn about many kinds of occupations.

▲ Parents are learning about the career day.

Todastw foundation said that in the career day, children can discover potential abilities, and they found the role of the people's occupations. In the career center, there are many occupations such as Computer Aided Design, Integrated Construction Tech, Digital Video Production and many more. They can practice a career that they want like a chef, computer engineer or any other jobs. They can do at least two careers.

▲ Children study about firefighter.

Next, in the practice time, children learn about the career, and they do it themselves. For example, in the culinary art class, they cook food and decorate it very beautifully and creatively. However, there are other kinds of career days in other schools. They invite people kinds of job, and they listen to their speech to learn about different kinds of jobs, and a speaker can be a mentor to the students on those here.
In the career day, students can experience occupations which they want and listen to a speech of speakers. Therefore, then the career day is one of the most important school events for the students.


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