Track Meet with Warm Season!대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-05-25 12:39:12

▲ relay

Have you ever heard about field day, an elementary school event, in Korea? When students graduate from elementary school and enter middle school, they join this event, track meet. This is held in spring or fall. The students should wear a class representative T-shirt. This is freer than that in the elementary. Also, all classes have their booths, and teachers provide students with food and water.

▲ line dancing

The class president said that the track meet is good for the students as it can increase cooperation. The school principal also sees this event in a positive aspect. He said, that this track meet can let the people see the students' ability and talent. The students think that the track meet can get rid of stress, and they are excited to see the different styles each year.

However, the track meet has a very complex process. To hold this event, first, students have to discuss with their classmates what to wear in the track meet at least one month before the event. Second, they have to decide a song to dance in the track meet. It is the most important and most exciting part of the event, so each class has to concentrate in choosing. After this process, they start practicing their dance performance. When each class completes this process, finally, they decide the relay, three-legged race and jump rope players and practice the event which they choose.

However, some students are not pleased with the track meet. It is because, this event usually has to be set in the trial period, so there is a difficulty to making a decision, applying all students' opinions. Also, there is a fight each year because of the uniform and song. Some students also have a conflict with their teacher in the track meet because of their makeup. However, although there is a conflict with many people, students still strive and expect the track meet.

▲ class representative T-shirt


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