Janggeom Hanmmadang, a Big Concert or Experience대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-06-20 13:02:56

▲ Booth Experience, the second part of the two parts in the morning.

 Have you ever been or heard about the Janngeom Hanmmadang? It is a bing concert held in late December and in a gymnasium annually. In Janngeom Hammadang, there are two types. In the morning, there is the booth experience held, divded in two parts, and the category is various in each class. Also, in the afternoon, there is a concert held, and the kinds of performance is various.

▲ Performance of band, and students have a enjoyable time to see the performance.

Ryu Ji Min, a student of Janggeom Middle School, said that students who take parts in the Janggeom Hanmmadang can have enjoyable time to finish the end of the year. Aslo, a student of Janggeom middle school, Lee Seo Yeon, said that students in Janggeom Hanmmadang can relieve stress from the study or academy.

Like this interview, there are some positive sides of this school festival. The positive sides are the students in Janggeom Middle School can spend enjoyable time for that day. Also, the students like it because not only they can relieve stress, but also, they can be given a suprise by teachers.

However,there are no positive sides at the Janggeom Hanmmadang. In preparing for the booth experience, each class should spend within the budget that is give to school. Because the budget is eighty thousand won, for some classes, it is enough, but some classes lack money. If the budget is lacked for preparing for the festival, then the class should pay their own money to buy more meterials.

Therefore, the festival for the students has always pros and cons. Through Janggeom Hanmmadang, the festival for the students, will be enjoyed by the students continuously.


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