The Way to Be a Dcotor대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-07-19 18:16:41

▲ The hospital which name is Seoul University Hospital

A doctor is a person who saves the people in any other places with surgery, drug treatment and medical device. Some people know the works of a doctor. However, most people do not know the way to be a doctor. So, I will introduce how to be a doctor. Everybody needs ability of analysis because patients time is gold. Also, he needs a sense of duty and sincerity because a doctoris a person who can also make a mistake. So, they have to study hard to avoid making a mistake.
First, they way to be a doctor, you should study medical courses. You have to enter in a medical school. At school you need to study for six years. First, you have to learn for two years for basic of medical. For another four years, you have to learn the special parts of what you want to be. For example, you have to learn about being surgeon and a plastic surgeon. Also, you should pass the examination called Nation Doctoral License Examination. Moreover, you have to perform your internship for one year and be a resient for four years. After that, you can be a specialist.

▲ The sence of surgery
My friend said that to be a doctor, you need to study very hard becasue this is not an easy job. However many people prefer this job. So, to be a doctor is hard to achieve. Just give up and do your best.
First, they way to be a doctor, you should study medical courses. You have to enter in a medical school. At school you need to study for six years. First, you have to learn for two years for basic of medical. For another four years, you have to learn the special parts of what you want to be. For example, you have to learn about being surgeon and a plastic surgeon. Also, you should pass the examination called Nation Doctoral License Examination. Moreover, you have to perform your internship for one year and be a resient for four years. After that, you can be a specialist.
My friend said that to be a doctor, you need to study very hard becasue this is not an easy job. However many people prefer this job. So, to be a doctor is hard to achieve. Just give up and do your best.


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