Our School‘s Event and Festival대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-06-29 14:20:33

Do you have festivals and events in your school? Many schools have festivals and events such as athletics and school trip. In each school, their school events are different from each other. Some schools have a festival in school, but some schools have athletics. Like this, there are many school events in the world.

▲ The free-semester in our school

In our middle school, we have an interesting festival in December. In our school, we have a penalty point, the point is accumulated. Them, in the closing period of a school term, the teachers plus the points will choose one class which has a lesser point than the other class. Then, the school will give free time and some money to the winning class to enjoy some recreational activities such as watching movie and ice skating. Also, our school opens the festival with free-semester students. When we go to our school, we can see the free-semester students decorating the school and displaying their works during the semester.

▲ The cookies that we made in the school festival

Then, we can but things such as cookies, and dishes. When we buy these things, the money will be paid for the next free semester.

There are many events and festivals in our school. Also, our school has a festival and free semester recital. Both events are popular with many students, and these events make us more polite and give us a chance to make friends with other students.


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