Daihyun‘s Science Project on Science Day대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-07-10 16:36:33

▲ Students participating in the project `Project Drawing`

A lot of students today are unfamiliar with school subjects such as Math or Science. Thus, a lot of schools in Korea are now trying to raise interest in these subjects. Indeed, one school in Ulsan, Korea called Daihyun Middle School, made a science day project where everyone must participate.

The Science Day Project is held only for one day. There are a lot of categories for students to participate in, such as 'Inventing idea', '6 scene Cartoon Drawing', 'Poster Drawing', 'Science Box' and more. Students work by themselves to give the best result. They have three hours to finish the project and when the time is over, they must turn it in so that the teachers can judge and evaluate the best results.

▲ Students in the Science lab, Participating in the Project `Science Box`
The students do brainstorming sometimes, trying to figure out how to get the best idea or result they can possibly get. There were many brilliant ideas: such as shoes that convert kinetic energy into electrical energy so that they can charge their phones while walking, posters with beautiful and great drawings related to science, and the cartoons with fresh and clever ideas. An interview with a first grader at Daihyun Middle School, Junghoon Kim, was done to figure out how students feel about this project. He said that he did not really expect anything to be fun, but this project was different. It was so much fun and it brought him closer to the Science subject.

The Science Day Project of Daihyun Middle School was successful. It had definitely changed the perspective of students on the subject 'science'. A lot of students enjoyed the project and got a few steps closer to science.

Daihyun Middle School is not the only school to be doing a project like this, but this project was praised by a lot of students in the school. Who knows, maybe one of the students from here would someday become a scientist.


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