What Should We Do to Be A Lawyer?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-07-23 11:56:29

Do you know how to be a lawyer? It requires many qualifications and efforts. Also, do you know what is a lawyer and what they do? A lawyer investigates a case and collects evidence. Through the evidence, they defend their clients in trial. If there are no lawyers, some people can be falsely accused.

There are some qualifications to become a lawyer. You should be a graduate in law school. Also, you have to pass an examination. It can be very hard and challenging. Some people become discouraged to be a lawyer because of this test. So, if you want to be a lawyer, you need have knowledge about the law.

▲ This is the picture of trial.

First of all, there are many majors and departments. Some departments about the law can be useful to become a lawyer. Some of them are the International Legal Affairs department, Legal Studies department, and the Department of Law. If you study in these departments, you can get help and knowledge to become a lawyer. As mentioned earlier, you should pass the examination for the bar. So, you should have known about the law. Therefore, if you study hard in these departments, you can study more about these fields and pass the test. So, if you have decided that you want to defend some unfairly accused people, it is not so bad to become a lawyer.

▲ People are doing trial.


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