To Be Police Officer대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-07-23 12:07:52

There are many careers that people want to have. The police officer is one of the public official careers. Police officers have lots of responsibilities because it is a career that involves protecting people. They also need a sense of inference, sense of duty, and earnest thinking to investigate criminals. Being a police officer is a hard work. However, anyone can be a police officer.

▲ can get information about career

If you want to be a police officer, you need to have a strong sense of responsibility. Public official is an important job because you work for the country. You can check on There, you will learn some information like police officers maintain peace of the society. People know well about the work of police officers. They catch criminals. To catch a criminal, you need a strong physical ability. Second, you need a sense of duty. You need to infer why criminals did crimes, how they raise the incidents and many others. You should agonize earnestly about a certain incident. Also, you should always be careful of criminals. You can be hurt because of criminals while you are in investigating the incidents. Being in this field is really dangerous and hard. However, it is a very important part of the career. Police officers really protect our society's peace. So, is one of the best public works.

▲ responsibility of police officer

Police officers have many things to protect and to solve. Also, they have to work hard with a strong sense of responsibility as public officials. It is hard to be a police officer. However, if you want to maintain the peace and order of our country, you may think about becoming a police officer.


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