The Importance of the Prosecutor대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-07-23 12:10:04

How much do you know about a prosecutor? Most people know about a lawyer more than a prosecutor. However, a prosecutor is more important than a lawyer because the prosecutor is the one who indicts a suspect to judge whether a crime is true or not. Also, to be a prosecutor, it is so hard.

Prosecutors work a lot of things. First, like a police, they investigate a criminal case. After investigating, they indict to the court. In the case of a criminal case. they conduct police officers. In the case of the civil case. they conduct legal problem, investigate, and indict. Then, they wield a claim like the company's dissolution order. Business hours are regular, and the environment is pleasant. However, business hours are long, and the work is hard. Therefore, they have stressed a lot.

▲ judging

To be a prosecutor, first, you have to enter to the Korean Law School and graduate from that school. Then, you have to pass the BAR examination. Then, you can be a prosecutor if you pass it. You have to complete the Research and Training Institution. Then, you can be a prosecutor. Plus, you have to study really hard to become a prosecutor. A prosecutor is highly competitive because the position and the employment are safe.

Similar jobs with a prosecutor, there is a lawyer and a judge. When prosecutors, indict to the court, it needs a lawyer and a judge. A lawyer defends the suspect, and the judge reaches a verdict. For example, a prosecutor indicts the suspect, and in a trial, the prosecutor gives his decision about the suspect's problem. Then, the lawyer will defend the suspect. This thing happens again and again. Finally, the prosecutor will judge the suspect like ten years of imprisonment.

▲ judging prosecutor

Like this, a prosecutor is very important a trial since a prosecutor is the only person to punish the criminal. If you have an interest in the prosecutor, why do not try this job in the future?


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