Necessary Career : Teacher대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-07-23 12:14:21

Nowadays, education is an essential job. Also, as elementary education and secondary education are obligatory, a job for teachers receives attention. Teachers are one of the vital jobs in modern society.

There are many things and features to be a teacher. First, teachers need good grades. They have to teach students, so they have to get more knowledge. All subjects such as math, language, history, science, music and arts' grades have to be first class degree. They should have good communication skills, too. Also, they have to get good performance assessments in all subjects. Teachers teach the students, then they have to communicate with them as well. So, they have to practice smooth communication. Also, they need Chinese certification, history certification, and computer certification. They also have to go to the National University of Education. To be a teacher, he must go to that University. If they are sixty-three years old, they have to retire. The retirement age starts at sixty-three years old.

▲ It is the classroom in United States and the teacher teaches the math to students.

Teachers do not only teach but also do another task. They help students with their studies and guide them. They also teach the correct behavior, manners and greeting to students. Before the class starts, they have to prepare for it. Also, they point out students' faults. Also, they need to teach how to prevent accidents. They educate them such as violence, smoking's problems, and they made students not to behave badly. They check their homework and their test. Also, they help and support the students to achieve their dream.

▲ The teacher is teaching about the campaign of prohibition of smoking.

Teachers are necessary for modern society. Without education, we cannot choose a job which we want to be. Also, all jobs need an education about it. So, if we have to acquire more knowledge, then there have to be a lot of teachers. To sum up, one of the essential jobs is being a teacher.


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