A Psychologist대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-07-23 12:16:05

▲ I want to be a psychologist when grow up because I want to study a person`s mind and treat their mental problem.

If you were in a sad situation, felt so sad and someone comforted you by tapping your head what would you feel? When I was in a sad situation, I felt too depressed. However, my friends comforted me by tapping my head and by staying with me while I was sharing my sad situation. That time, I was very thankful for them and felt better. So, for this reason, I want to be a psychologist when growing up because I want to study a person's mind and treat their mental problem.

▲ A psychology means that the study of the consciousness and behavior of living things

First of all, a psychologist means that the Institute of psychology researches various human behaviors and mental processes through scientific and systematic methods, and provides psychological information such as medicine, education, and industrial field. To search and provide psychological knowledge and information on the various human psychological problems that can appear on the medicine, education and industrial sites are needed to focus. It is important in this society because it can measure a person's mental and physical characteristics by planning and implementing experiments and observations on human behavior. A psychologist does treat one's mind through speaking and hearing.

Second, I am interested in that career and searching on the internet. To be a psychologist, I must have affection and interest for humans, and logical thinking is required to systematically analyze and explain the complex actions and mental processes of humans through scientific methods. Knowledge of psychology is required, and the ability to objectively observe, analyze and study human behavior is required. It also requires logical and analytical writing skills to report these findings. Ideal for those with inquiring and social interests, it is advantageous for those with analytical thinking, honesty, accomplishment, and precision through Psychology Research Institute.

I want to treat someone's mental problem and shrink someone's head. It is not only doctors who treat people. Psychologists also cure, help and study a person's mental state. I want to help those people who need help. Also, to treat a person's mind is hard, but I will be proud to treat people.


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