Sports League at Lunch대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-07-23 12:26:09
  • 수정 2018-07-23 12:30:10

Do you need more time to play sports in school? These days, there are only two to three hours of PE classes a week. It is a problem among the students who want to play sports for a long time. So, some schools made sports league at lunch. Dong Pyeong Middle School is one of those schools Students prefer to play sports instead of studying. The school made the league two years ago.

This league is a kind of league at lunchtime. Each class can only participate in a maximum of two events. It makes team cohesion and provides things to see to students. There are three sports in the league largely. The first one is dodgeball. It is famous for female students. So, many female students participate in the dodgeball league. In this sport, women use one hand if they match with men, and men use two hands if they match with women. So, this rule makes the match fairly. The second sport is basketball. Basketball is famous among basketball enthusiasts. So, they participate in this game. This sport is so interesting among the basketball goalpost is full at lunchtime. Lastly, there is also soccer. Everyone loves this sport. Soccer is the most interesting sport in the school. It is a pride of each class. So, there are many audiences who watch the match which is interesting on a bench at lunchtime. The league is a tournament, and the winning team receives a cash prize. The league is opened for about eight times and is played by students every day excluding weekend.

I interviewed some students about the lunch league. I asked them if the lunch league is enjoyable. Many students said it is enjoyable. So, they said that the league makes the students happy and active. But, if the league is not a tournament, the sports league is like the league in Hyojung Middle School. It will be a more interesting league because many students can participate in this league many times.

▲ Students are playing basketball.
▲ Students are playing soccer.

by Yoo Seung Hun


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