Janggeom Middle School‘s Stop-motion Project대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-07-23 13:06:44

▲ the result of the Stopmotion project on Yotube

If you are a middle school or high school student, you might have ever done a performance assessment. Students in Janggeom Middle School also have many projects such as reading evaluation, writing interview script in history class, presentation project in science class, stop-motion project in technology class, and many more. Among these, I would like to introduce to you the stop-motion project in technology class. This has been proposed for the students to get the complete stop motion project and for them to get closer to the team members.

The first is about the condition and process of the project. The condition is that six to seven team members, in six teams, with 90 seconds as the time limit, should submit their project by 11:00 p.m, on YouTube. The process is choosing the topic within the category of foods. Then, they are required to draw. After drawing they should download the application called "Motion Stop". Then, they should take pictures with this application and make enough time limit. After taking pictures and making the time limit, they should edit and upload it on YouTube by 11:00 p.m. After finishing this period of submission, there will be 36 stop motions for the six classes in third grade.

In an interview with the students of Janggeom Middle School, Lee Seo Yeon said that she felt that the time limit is short, but she knew that he should try hard to adjust it, and she should try hard to constitute the contents to be enough. She believes that there will be a little poor point because of the stop-motion, but she believes that it is valuable because there are a lot of efforts exerted.

According to Lee Seo Yeon, the Stopmotion Project is hard because of these efforts. After this project, the students who are on the same team will be closer than before.

▲ the result of Stopmotion Project on YouTube -2


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