Children in Thailand Got Rescued Out Alive대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-08-13 11:28:35

It was reported that children had gone missing after football practice. According to BBC News, it was one of the children’s birthday, and his parents were waiting for him with a birthday cake. However, the child did not come home which made his parents anxious. Then, they realized that none of the children who had gone to the football practice came home.

The parents checked the children’s group chat and headed for the Tham Luang Cave. The Tham Luang cave is famous for being dangerous. During the monsoon season, there were lots of people who could not get out of the cave. The most dangerous thing is when the cave is flooded, it is hard for experienced divers to get out and should therefore only be entered between April and November. In front of the cave, they found bicycles, bags and football shoes that belonged to the children. Meanwhile, the children went further and further inside the cave in order to avoid water. Moreover, they neither had food nor water with them, but thankfully, there was drinkable moisture dripping from the walls of the cave. All they could do was to wait for them to be rescued.

The police officials were trying to find a way in, but it was no good. According to BBC News, they even tried drilling through the mountainside. On July 9, 2018, two men had finally succeeded in reaching the Pattaya Beach, but to their surprise, the children were not there. They went further and further until they finally found the children. They were all alive and were not injured that much.

The Global News reported that it could be hard for the children to live without a trauma since they had been in the dark cave for a long time.


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