Let‘s Introduce Myself대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-09-11 16:42:18

▲ Let`s introduce ourselves
Have you ever introduced yourself in English? The world, "Global" is getting more important in every aspect, so English became an essential subject to study hard. Thus, Junghwa High School put a personal statement project in their English education course to estimate students' writing and speaking abilities.

Personal statement project is a semestral project in English class that students introduce themselves in English. There are two kinds of projects in a project; writing a personal statement and introducing themselves. As students write their speech script and speak the script in English, they can also highly increase their writing and speaking skills, and they can raise their ability to introduce themselves well. Moreover, this project is a preliminary round of English speech contest aimed at all of the first-grade students in the school.

▲ Personal statement in English

Then, how the project is conducted? First, students write a combination of their personal statements and speech scripts, and they should submit them to their teachers. After submitting them to school, the school has time to estimate the personal statements of each student. If the estimating is done, students will summarize their script because they have about a minute for each student to have their speeches. Then, the school will make some time to have speeches for students during school hours. Then, teachers record the speeches to estimate them and choose some students to put into the final contest.

The project that Junghwa High School put in their mandatory course will raise students' writing and speaking skills. This course will be helpful for students who are in Junghwa high School. I believe this project would help students write and speak in English well in the future.


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