Fashion Model대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-09-27 16:10:53

As modern people dress and care about their looks, they become interested in fashion. So, this is why there are fashion models. Fashion modeling is a job in which a person wears a new style of clothing or the latest fashion and shows the style of clothing to the audience.

A model should be tall, fit, and she should have a good body proportion and good facial ratio. These qualifications are important to be a model because the job of a fashion model is to show the style of clothes by wearing it. The look of clothes is important. It should be fashionable. If you think you can be a fashion model with these satisfying qualifications, and if you want to be a fashion model, you have to go to a modeling department. Another way to be a fashion model is to register to a modeling academy or enter a lot of model contests.

▲ Model Han Hye jin

An interview with Han Hye jin, who is a famous Korean fashion model, said that a fashion model needs to have her own individuality, color, and talent. Also, to be a fashion model, you should really love fashion. She said that when she was young, she was interested in fashion. She also said that she solved fashion so much that she changed her clothes several times a day. However, she said that she should be qualified and healthy to succeed. Studying English hard is also important to go abroad to have wide activities. She also said that exercising much is important too to show the energetic feature in pictures. Just having a thin body is not good to see.

▲ healthy body and individual charm of model

There are various types of models, too. There are a runway model, fitting model, magazine model, and CF model. Whatever the model's type, you can see that the job of a model is hard to achieve because it needs a lot of qualifications, such as height, fitness, ratio, own individuality, color, and talent. If you are really interested, and if you love fashion, you should join fashion modeling. It will be great.


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