Working as a Special Effects Expert대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-09-27 16:13:42

Watching an SF movie, we often see a scene, which is hard to direct the scene while filming a movie. It can be dangerous and difficult to direct, and also it can spend lots of budgets to film the scenes. Who makes those scenes is a special effects expert, which is also well-known as a name of computer graphic expert.

▲ computer graphic used in a movie ˝With God˝

Nowadays, lots of movie scenes need the special effects to have a vividness in the movie. They put in a graphic into a movie, which is needed to become a memorable movie for the audience. Imagine the movie "Harry Potter". The character Harry Potter rides on a flying broom and fights with the fire-breathing dragon. All of these scenes come from the special effect experts' work. To be a special effect expert, they have to study computer graphics, art, visual design. It is for the movie to become more sophisticated and have more details for the movie scene. Also, to have a within a measured graphic, they should have enough knowledge and understanding of video language, film, and editing of broadcasting.

▲ computer graphic used in a movie ˝Harry Potter˝

In the interview with the reporter, Christine Donatello, the Visual designer Julian Parry was asked about responsibilities as a special effects expert. He answered that it's not all about just getting the visual effect, as this needs to be achieved in the scope of the production, materials, shooting period allowed and budget. This is sometimes akin to sculpting with a blindfold.

Having lots of scenes of the movie needed the special effects, the job special effects expert is a rising job for the following days.


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