Jang Geum Middle School Intramurals Athletic Meet대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-09-27 18:21:21

▲ playing soccer

All schools have a lot of events. One of them is an intramural athletic meet. Some students have complaints about it. First, one of the events is Group Dance. So, they have to prepare and practice with their classmates. In this process, many students disagree with each other and even fight with each other. Next, other schools played in a big stadium. However, our school played in a school gymnasium. The stadium is big, but our school gymnasium is small. Therefore, our events are few, too. For these reasons, students have dissatisfaction.

Kim So Yi who is the first-grade student in Jang Geum Middle School said one of her classmates said that he will do participate in a group dance. Why should he participate? It is not a performance assessment. Our classmates are annoyed about what she said because all students should participate. Also, we fought about what song we should choose.

▲ starting Intramural Athletic Meet!

Without these problems, students are satisfied in Jang Geum Middle School's Intramural Athletic Meet. If the class win in an athletic meet, they can get money. Also, if the class is good at cheering, they can get money, too. Therefore, all students work hard. They can show cooperation with their classmates. Many students enjoyed this event. If these problems are solved, it will be the best.


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