Okhyun Middle School and Intramural Athletic Meet대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-10-23 14:15:53

▲ We played enjoyed time for Okhyun Sport day

Most schools have a sports day. Our school did it, too. However, a sports day event that is being held at Okhyun Middle School is quite different than a usual sports day place. We had a sports day event at Munsu International Archery Field. The total amount of the participants for a sports day event was 725 students on the register and teachers.

▲ It was good that the whole class made a good match with each other in cooperation.

The teacher, who is a physical education teacher named, Chio ho Joon said that he is thankful to students and teachers who participated hard. He said that it was good to see the energy of our proud students filled the stadium with shouting and funny bodywork. Then, Okhyun Middle School student, Jimmin, said that it was good to get to know the children who were not close through practice until the athletic meeting and to do activities with his classmates with his body. It was enjoyable even though the second place is sad. Lastly, my friend, Si Ah, an Okhyun Middle School student said that he had a good experience with her classmates and even though there was a conflict, it was good that the whole class made a good match with each other in cooperation.
Some of the students complained about group a T-shirt because they had their own styles. However, I was pleased that students in my class exercised together. We won in a group jump and tug-of-war. To my regret, my class won second place, so we got 60,000 as prize money. The lunch that we ate was tasty after sweating because the whole class cooperated, and the hot dog was even more delicious because I ate it with my friends.
I felt that after the sports event, I got to know more about my friends who were not familiar with me and was able to know what to do well. I love my sports school event!


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