Decreasing People in Society 대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-10-23 14:11:16

When I was a middle school student, the number of students in our class was about 30. So, I enjoyed the days with many friends in one class. However, when I entered high school, I was very surprised because of the lesser number of students in our class. There were about 20 students in one class. Since the number of our students was small, I could make close friends. The low birthrate problem can cause serious problem not only in society but also in the classroom. I believe that the low number of students has bad and good effects.

▲ There are a number of teachers than the number of students.

Do you know what reversal phenomenon is? It means that the universities fixed number of students are more than the fixed number of high school students. South Korea has serious problems of low birthrate and elderly society nowadays. It can emerge not only in society but also in elementary, middle school, high school and even in university.

▲ There are the low number of students in the classroom.

The number of students in schools decreases very quickly compared with last year. Now, when you look in the classroom, there is a lower number of students in one class than in your classroom because of the low birthrate problem. The low birthrate problem increases because people do not want to have many babies because of their economic problem, and they do not have much money and time to take care of their babies.

The Ministry of Education and Korea Educational Development Institute announced the education basics statistics about the students' decreasing number. From kindergarten to high school, the number of students is 6.3 million, and it is less than last year which is 7.8 million. This phenomenon could be the result of the low birthrate problem. However, the number of teachers and schools increases than the number of students compared with last year. This phenomenon means that the conditions of education are better than the last because of fewer students in one classroom.

▲ It shows that decreasing students in every year.

For the society, low birthrate problem and elderly society are negative and serious problems that have to be solved. Increasing welfare facilities can solve these problems. Low birthrate problem mediates for school, the number of high schools students are less than universities' fixed number of people. However, there are some positive situations like the improving condition of education. So, low birthrate problem has negative effects on the society, but it also has positive effects that help the education.

Sep. 9th, by Gang Jung Eun


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