Welcome to the New Boracay Island대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-09-27 17:38:21

Where do you think is the best travel destination? There are so many places people can enjoy, especially some vacation spots, such as Bali, San Francisco, Hawaii, Boracay Island in the Philippines and some other places. Then, have you heard of this saying? 'The more popular vacation spots are, the more people prefer them.' Namely, the better the resort, the more crowded it is. Actually, in Boracay Island where I want to explore, more than 45,000 tourists on average visit it each day.

Boracay Island is very famous among many people. It is because it has become a worldwide popular resort, widely known for its fine sand and clean beaches. There are about 12 beaches including White Beach and Pukha Shelvich. However, do you think people who visit it keep public order as well? I believe that the answer is no. Expectedly, there were also a lot of environmental problems at the place where many people went. So, on April 26 the Boracay Island was decided to be temporarily closed for six months because of the severe environmental problems, especially some rubbish heaps and poor sewage facilities.

▲ The Boracay Island Covered With Trashes

During the closed term, Boracay Island was equipped with sewage and waste management facilities. Similar to Boracay Island, there were cases where famous vacation lands were temporarily closed to solve the environmental problem. The Maya Bay on the island of Phi Phi in Thailand is also temporarily closed for environmental protection during June and September. Also, in 2016, Thailand closed its favorite island of Cottachai by divers.

The Boracay Island has finally finished the facility maintenance. In other words, from October 26, this island will be opened again soon. However, there are some extra rules to go there. Even if all people want to go there, all of them cannot go because there are some rules and restrictions. The Minister of Tourism in the Philippines said that there will be the limited number of tourists a day so that the island can continue to more peaceful and sustainable. If you go to the Boracay Island to relax, coordinate with a travel agency right now!

▲ Newly Opened Boracay Island!

Sep.16th, by Taehee Lim


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