Food Poisoning in School Cafeteria대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-09-27 16:56:19

In the school's lunchtime, students standing in front of the cafeteria complained pointing a notice that there would be no chocolate cake at lunch. While some students just complained that the most delicious menu on the day's lunch was not served, others accepted the situation mentioning about news about food poisoning. Because of the nationwide food poisoning, many school cafeterias stopped serving chocolate cake, the source of the poisoning. 

At first, in a Busan metropolitan city's high school, students experienced food poisoning and thought that the problem is on the school cafeteria at first. However, some days later, in Gyeonggi-do province, the number of students who experienced food poisoning started increasing, and now, it is over one thousand. Students' symptoms were varied, from rash and simple stomachache to vomiting. As the situation got more serious, the Chungbuk Provincial Office of Education announced on September sixth that it conducted an epidemiological investigation of patients suspected of food poisoning caused by eating Korean wheat chocolate cake. The cause of this situation unfolded soon. P food company's chocolate cake contained salmonella. 

The food company posted a written apology on their webpage. In the apology letter, the company said that they would actively cooperate with authorities in epidemiological investigations, and they will take comprehensive ways to improve the system of product hygiene as soon as the results of the epidemiological survey were released. As it just got the chocolate cake from manufacturers and released its product after they got permission from the Ministry of Food and Drug safety, the food company would not get that much liability. However, since its corporate image always seeks "rightful food," it would get considerable damage to its image.
Some people suggest that this situation's fundamental cause is due to students' excessive demand on the lunch menu. To meet their demand, manufacturers had to lower their effort on hygiene to meet the price line. To sum up, people suggest that the liable for this incident school cafeteria, the food company, manufacturer, and students. However, they know that this problem lies in all of them. As this issue rises to the surface, people could sense caution in school meal hygiene.


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