Make a Travel Schedule to Busan!대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-09-27 16:45:37
  • 수정 2018-10-07 18:38:52

▲ Busan City Tour Bus

On May 7th to May 27th, Hwanggeum Middle Schoo students did a very special math group project: make a Travel Schedule to Busan!

The very special math group project to make a travel schedule to Busan. Also, we can experience

▲ Project Based-Learning

e the travel planner by making a travel schedule by ourselves, with team members. On the first day, we took the orientation for what to do in this project with teachers. On the second day, we decided to experience Busan's famous places and delicious foods. On the third day, we called a bust company and searched about the place and food's details. Then, we decided the discount on this travel package. Finally, we presented our project's result in front of our classmates.

Because of this project, we knew hos a travel planner makes the travel schedule. It was a very special project for us. Although this project was a little difficult, it's also enjoyable because we made it with friends. It is good to know about Busan more, and it will be helpful for us to go to Busan with family or friends. Also, many students know the place where they do not know. In our presentation, one student said that was a very special project, and it was very interesting. He even wants to do this project again next time.

This project gave both funny and meaningful feelings to us. The project, "Make a Travel Schedule to Busan!" is the most difficult project, but at the same time, it is the most interesting project among the students' projects.


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