My Thought of School Project \"Leave the Earth\"대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-10-23 14:35:09

Today, many schools execute performance assessment. One of the middle schools, Jungri Middle School executed he exam project of science, which is titled,'Leave the Earth!'.The purpose of this project is to develop a cooperative spirit and to learn about the planet.

The prologue of this project is the Earth was polluted so much. So, students should leave the Earth. Which planet should they leave on? 'Leave the Earth' project, first, students think about which planet to live if they have to and investigate the planet, which they choose. Furthermore, they invent the products to be used on the planet. Lastly, students present their output.

▲ Different Environment of Earth and Mars

Students shared the role, and each person did their work. Also, they worked together to form the plan and invention. I also investigated Mars. However, I take a lot of conditions to people live, so I had to think more. Besides, there was another problem. One student said that the project is really enjoyable and instructive. Nevertheless, a team project is difficult if someone does not participate because all the team members have to work together. According to the interview, students go through difficulties with cooperation.

I could learn more about the conditions of the planet, and why people can live there. When I thought about invention, what is uncomfortable if we can live on another planet. The team project needs the cooperation of the team, and also, every team member must participate in the project. Then, the output of the team should be more creative and interesting.

When I was in the project, there were many conditions for living on other planets, so I had many things to think about it. Nonetheless, while thinking, I was able to be curious and investigate more information. Like these, a school project has advantages and disadvantages. However, school projects are a growing trend. Students will be able to work together to fill their gaps. They are also growing more through school projects.


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