My Science Day Project_Kapla Contest대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-10-26 16:47:38

Did you organize Science Day Festival on April 21st? In South Korea, there is science day on April 21st. In addition, science month is in April. We designate this day to Science day to recognize the development of Science technology. It celebrates Science and Technology Agency independence from central administrative agency. The school or related group hosts many contests on this day.

In our school, we also had several competitions and many activities like air rocket show, science essay writing contest, science debate contest, and ‘Kapla’ contest. Among them, and I joined ‘Kapla’ contest.

‘Kapla’ is a kind of block game. It sounds unfamiliar to most students, but it originated in Netherlands. It is a compound word of ‘kabouter’, which means magic and ‘Plankues’, which means boards. It is making a work or a construction with the same size of wood blocks. The golden ratio of Kapla block is 3:5:15. To win the game, players should build the most balanced structure based on the golden ratio.

In our school, we did this project in group with two people. We made mini town by using wood blocks. I planned and designed what to make, and tell other teammates how to make them. While we built the structure, it was about to fall down several times. To make the perfect balanced structure was not an easy task, but we didn’t give up. Finally, we completed the wood block town. Our group won the second prize in that competition.

I wanted to make other works with ‘Kapla’. It was really enjoyable for me. I searched about it on the internet, and I found that it was also used in psychology therapy. I hope more students can know about it and enjoy this activity. Did your school have a science day festival? If it had, can you tell your project on the Science day? That will be good for us, too.


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