Ulsan Event, Ganjeolgot Sunrise Festival대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-10-07 18:54:48

Many people are concerned about their local festivals. And local festivals attract many people. Above all, the Ganjeolgot Sunrise Festival is one of the most popular festivals in Ulsan. People can join the party and they play themselves. This festival opens for 2 days every year depending on the weather condition.

Ganjeolgot Sunrise Festival is meaningful because this is the place where the sun rises first in the New Year's morning in Korea. Tourist attractions in the area are crowded with dense pine forests and rocks and beautiful scenery is displayed. It is in a member of a Ganjeolgot park in Seosan-myeon, Ulju-gun, Ulsan. The name Ganjeolgot comes from fishermen who sail far out into the sea looking at this place from afar, looking just like a long pole. As its name suggests, the land is puckered out toward the sea. There are many events like Haemaji event and an auxiliary event. They have Haemaji theater, Korean classical music, gukak, and choir performance.

This year Ganjeolgot Sunrise Festival is the 18th year of the festival. It started in 2000. In fact, the Ganjeolgot Sunrise Festival became popular with the effort of the people in charge. According to a news interview with Park Kyung-rye, the head of Culture and Tourism Team in Ulju-gun, Ulsan, she said, "Since national advertising is more important than anything else as a publicity strategy, we will strengthen national promotion through terrestrial TV promotion, spot broadcasting, Internet, various video clips and subtitles through broadcasting stations.” She also added, “We also want to use Internet cafes, Powerblogs, Facebook, and YouTube social networking sites, information bulletin boards, and public relations signboard to promote the year of the Gomjingot in Ulsan. In addition, for tourists to the Seoul Metropolitan area, the special train is scheduled to depart from Seoul Station at 11 p.m. on December 31 and arrive at Namchang Station at 4:47 a.m. on January 1 to arrive at the resort." It may be one of the attractions to people.

Even though it has been more than 15 years, the Ganjeolgot Sunrise Festival still have a lot of tourists. Many foreigners come here to see the beautiful sunrise as well. It becomes the best festival in Ulsan, and it will remind the tourist again.


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