Our leader = Teacher대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-10-07 19:32:58

We can see many teachers in our surroundings. We meet many teachers until we become adults such as school teachers, academy teachers, kindergarten teachers, and professors. Even though there are so many teachers, it is difficult to be a teacher.
To be a teacher, first, you must enter into education. Second, you have to get a Certificate to be a secondary school teacher. If you want to be a teacher, you should take a teacher certification examination. So, what do you have to study to become a teacher? Of course, you must study harder, but you must have patience, understanding, and fairness. The most important thing is your heart that you love the children.
Teachers do not only teach students but also take the examination and evaluate the students' grades. Also, they provide counseling for students' futures. Teacher's annual income is more than 300,0000 won. Many people think teachers will disappear because robots and AI are increasing now. However, teachers will never disappear. Because it is only teachers who can understand the minds of the students. So, if you want to be a teacher, you could consider the right choice.

Do you know Helen Keller's teacher, Sullivan? She encouraged Helen Keller, so Helen Keller could succeed. I want to be a teacher like Sullivan. I believe it is very hard, but I will not give up!

Helen Keller's teacher, Sullivan


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