An Adventurous Fancy occupation, Choreographer대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-10-07 20:03:04
  • 수정 2018-10-23 13:38:44

Do you like music? When you see a music video, you can see a fancy choreography. Whether the dancers are many or less, the moving lines and choreography are perfect. Now, who do you think does this thing? It is the choreographer. A choreographer makes the choreography and teaches the dancers.

A choreographer needs a lot of abilities. It needs a deep study of dance, apparel, lighting, and many more. Also, one must have the talent of dancing and taste of music, ingenuity, plentiful expression of emotion. In addition, choreographers main occupation is dancing, so they need healthy body. They have to raise a sense of leadership and responsibility.

Most say that choreographer is a poor job, but there are choreographers who are very rich. They earn money, enhance ability, and receive social acknowledgment.
For example, Lia Kim and Kyle Hanagami are two very famous choreographers. Lia Kim is a Korean top popping dancer, and she belongs to 1million studio. 1million studio's youtube subscribers are over 10million now. She made the choreography of some artists' songs such as Sunmi - "Gashina", I.O.I - "Very Very Very", and Twice - "TT".

Kyle Hanagami is a worldwide famous choreographer. His choreography is so well suited to both sexes that it is impossible to tell whether it was made by a woman or a man. He made the choreography of Red Velvet - "Peek-A-Boo" and Blackpink - "Boombayah".

A choreographer is a fancy occupation. It focuses on dance and the choreography of it. Being a choreographer is hard. We have to exert a lot of effort, practice hard and study more. But, anyone can do it. When you have a strong mind to make your dream come true, you can make your dream yours. Just do it!

[덧붙이는 글]
by chaeyoon

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