Not only talent but also effort대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-10-07 20:04:41

Have you ever watched a musical play or a movie? The average musical lasts about two to three hours. However, many musical actors practice a lot for two hours. To complete one musical, we need many musical actors. A musical actor analyzes the role given by the script of his or her work. He reads scripts, memorizes lines, and practices singing. He or she practices rhythm with several actors by scene. They sing and dance while they act on stage.

To be a musical actor, you have to sing and act well, be good at memorizing and have an accurate pronunciation. Good communication skills are required, too. There are many famous musical actors in South Korea which Kim So-hyeon and Son Jun-ho. There are many cases wherein the musical actor came from other professions. Also, there are many musical actors who do other similar jobs like a singer or actor at the same time. 

Some idols who are very good at singing participate in musical works, too. For example, in BTOB (an idol group), Seo Eun-kwang and Lee Chang-sub participated in many musicals. They participated in the musical Hamlet, The Three Musketeers, Ah! My Goddess, Barnum: The Great Showman, Boys Over Flowers, Dog Fight, Napoleon, Edgar Allan Poe, and Iron Mask.
I believe that becoming a musical actor needs not only talent but also effort. So, I always think that musical actors are awesome. If you are interested in this field, try a challenge.

October 3rd,2018


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