Ulsan Grand Park Rose Festival대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-10-23 14:44:51

There are a lot of rose festivals in South Korea. However, there is a special rose festival in Ulsan. It is the Ulsan Grand Park Rose Festival. It usually holds around the third Friday of May for ten days. In this festival, there are many shows and many kinds of roses.
In Ulsan Grand Park Rose Festival, there are many shows such as the parade, pyrotechnic show, love concert, musical and magic show. This festival is famous for the parade. In the parade, there is a band with the instruments and the beautiful parade carriage which is decorated with roses. Also, in the love concert, famous singers are invited, so we can listen to good music. As the festival's name is Ulsan Grand Park Rose Festival, there are three million roses and many kinds of rose.

This year's Ulsan Grand Park Rose Festival is the 12th year of the festival. According to the travel power blogger, Marian said that as she saw these roses, she was happy. Although it was not a full blossom, it was good to see the beautiful roses. As the festival is more famous, there are many effects from this festival. First, according to the communication data LTE, application history of the credit card and analysis of SNS, sales increased to 7.2% more than usual. Also, the visitors to other areas increase 63% of all visitors, and the number of visitors to the festival rises each year.
Ulsan Grand Park Rose Festival was a small festival 12 years ago. However, it became a huge national festival. From this festival, we can enjoy, take a rest, and heal in the festival.

▲ Roses at night

▲ Rose Festival`s rose


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