Four Great tragedies by Shakespeare대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-10-23 17:56:17

There are four great tragedies written by William Shakespeare, who was a famous writer in England. His works are still popular among people all over the world, and many experts and students are studying his works. Especially, a series of four tragedies is one of the most popular works, even though the four tragedies are just labeled by descendants -- Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, and Macbeth.

▲ The book about `THE PLAYS of SHAKESPEARE`

First, Hamlet is about the prince of Denmark named Hamlet revenging his uncle who killed the prince's father and married his mother. Even though he finally succeeded in revenging his uncle, he lost his lover, her brother, and finally lost himself. "To be or not to be, that is the question". This is the most famous line in this work, and this might have evoked great confusion to people who lived at that time because, at that time, people did not think that one can decide his or her destiny, and all things depended on the God. therefore, this line was the greatest question among people, and still, it is.

Second, Othello is about Venice general named Othello who killed his wife believing the false rumor about her. However, after realizing that the rumor was false, finally, he killed himself tragically. The term 'Othello syndrome' which means has a delusional jealousy of his wife comes from this work.

Third, King Lear is about a Britain King Lear who was abandoned by his two daughters. He had three daughters. While the two daughters finally got a power by flattering, the last daughter was vanquished out of the kingdom. After catching the news that his father was vanquished, the last daughter tried to restore his power, but she failed to win the battle and dies. The story ends when King Lear mourned her death sorrowfully.

Last, Macbeth is about a general named Macbeth who killed King Duncan after hearing three witches' charm. After rising to the throne, he was extremely afraid of revolt, although ironically he was a traitor himself. He murdered his fellow general Banquo, innocent Macduff's family, and lots of people in his nation. He and his wife suffered from insomnia every night, and finally, she committed suicide, and Macbeth was finally killed by Macduff. This work tells us what conscience and honesty is.

▲ William Shakespeare Four Tragedies - Hamlet, Othello, King Lear and Macbeth

"Tragedy is what purifies one's mind," said Aristotle, who is one of the most famous philosophers in the ancient history. Many people are realizing this positive function of tragedy and finding Shakespeare interesting. Recently, lots of dramas are played all over the world, and Shakespeare will remain in People's minds forever.

▲ Plays and dramas of William Shakespeare played by people all over the world

October 21st, 2018

by Seo Young Kim


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