The Illustration, JUNO대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-10-23 18:14:24

▲ Juno is an illustrator who indicates his mind by pictures.

Illustrator is a person who draws his feelings through illustration and communicates with people. There is an illustrator, named "Juno".

▲ This cactus character is his image.

He often draws a cactus character and an expressionless faced man character. These cute characters in pictures are Juno's innate characters. The cactus character is his image while the expressionless faced man character is Juno's present mind. He can tell his friend's story in mind through these characters.

▲ This picture shows his mind not want to be hurt.

He didn't have any thought of being an illustrator at first. Before becoming an illustrator, he went up to Seoul to work as a designer in a company. However, because that period was hard for him, he used to feel lonely and thought about himself a lot. So, he would draw to relieve stress after leaving the office. When he uploaded those pictures on SNS, many people were interested in those and consoled to his illustrations. Finally, it became a chance for him to become an illustrator. Now, he usually gets inspired of ideas on his daily life. After coming back home, he reminded that day's happenings and feelings. He expresses his emotion on illustrations and writings. His works are not just pictures. It is special because he puts his emotions on his pictures.

▲ Juno published the book, `I`m not smile because I`m happy`.
▲ He also published the book, `But it`s a good day`.

Juno also published illustration books. "그래도 좋은날" and "좋아서 웃는 건 아니에요". He said that his wish was to draw pictures for a long time. He knows how hard it is to work as an illustrator. So he also said that he wanted to make meaningful pictures.

Sep. 20th, By 송주연


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