Programs for The First Graders of South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-10-23 18:25:50

Most of the South Korean middle schools are now implementing the free-learning semester in the first grade to allow students to find their dream and realize what they really want to do. Therefore, they have a lot of programs to find their aptitude. One of the programs is “Career Camp”.

▲ Changdong Middle School

The first graders of Changdong Middle school had a career camp on September 28, 2018. It was held from 4:00 to 9:00. They made their own dinner with their friends and ate them together. Class two, three, and four participated that day. Each class was divided into several teams. Each team planned what to eat and who to bring the ingredients to use. Almost all of them ate pork and ramen. After dinner, they had some free time.

At 6:00, they played dodgeball as a class competition. Class two won in the game with class four. A competition between class two and three was stopped during a game because the ball was unable to see as it got dark. So they had another free time until the special lecture began.

The special lecture was about their career and the future, and it started at 7:20, in the multimedia room. They played some games such as memorizing the picture, rock-paper-scissors, and non-sense quizzes. It ended at 9:00.

▲ Lim Hyunoo

Lim Hyunoo, who belongs to class 3, said ”It was interesting and fun. Also, it developed my creativity,” however, he said, “I will not participate next time if the program is the same.” He said that the programs were not that useful find his future career although it was fun.

First graders enjoyed the program and had time to think about their future career. However, the career camp would be more valuable if they add some more programs instead of the break time.


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