To Be an Announcer대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-11-13 09:51:54

What do you want to be when you grow up? Do you want to be a Doctor, pianist, teacher, scientist, or programmer? There are so many jobs in society. Among these many jobs, there is one thing that many people want to be in the future. It is an announcer! There are many things you should consider to be an announcer such as being good in Korean and possessing good appearance.

First, you must have to be great in Korean. Korean is the most important subject to be an announcer. English is important, too. English is needed in all departments. Also, in tests, they see your English skills. So, it is better to have nice conversation skills in English. Moreover, there are five tests to become an announcer. However, in the third test, if you offer them your TOEIC score, you can get exempted in the test. Therefore, English skill is important to be an announcer. An announcer is one of the jobs which needs improvisation. In an interview of Yeonhap news by Kangho with Kang Seol-Ie announcer and Hwang In-Sung announcer, he said that an announcer needs improvisation because there can be a sudden thing, and they have to play it by ears.

▲ Interview scene photo (from left to right) author (Kangho), Kang Seol-Ie announcer, Hwang In-Sung announcer (Source: Yonhap News

Next, an announcer has to have a good appearance and way of talking that can give good feelings and trust to the viewers. An announcer makes an appearance on TV, so someone's appearance is important. Also, consideration, sociality, and cooperation are important to be an announcer. The announcer is a public figure, so an announcer has to be careful with his way of taking and mind in normal times.

▲ Announcers in the news. Announcers play the role of facilitator, and all the corners of society are covered by activity. (Source: Yonhap News

You can think the course is important. I thought like you, but I do not mind now because there is no limit in a university, and students can go to a general high school who want to be announcers. Nonetheless, it would be better to have a good academic ability.

To be an announcer, you have to drill on your pronunciation and improve your appearance and way of talking since they are helpful to achieve a dream. There is a proverb, "No pain, No gain." So if you want to be an announcer, practice your skills. Practice and achieve your dream!


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