Ulsan Jeil Middle School Field Day대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-11-13 10:00:22

Ulsan Jeil Middle School Field Day 

▲ The field day of middle school

Have you ever participated in a school field day? The field day may be a familiar term to students in most countries. It is held at our school's playground and all of our school students participated in this school event. There are various sports competitions for each grade such as long jump rope, penalty shoot-out, relay racing, and many others.

Yoon Jae Son, a student in seventh grade, said, he loves his school field day so much, and he could get better good relationships between his friends through it. Yoon Jae Son also expressed positive aspects and said, he was also really tired before this field day because of many academic assignments, but he could get a rest time form the hard school life through it.

Like these, there are a lot of pros of having a field day. First of all, students can get a rest time from the hard school life and can concentrate on the lessons after the field day. The students should do many academic assignments, but, if they are given a rest time, they can concentrate more on their lesson. Lastly, field day's activities need cooperation between friends. However, there are many cons, too. First, the noise comes out because of songs, student's speaking and many other. This noise can be discussed to the residents surrounding the school. Next, the school's facilities can be broken by student's excessive activities. Also, there will be a lot of garbage thrown by the students during the field day. To solve the problem, lots of times and money are essential. Lastly, some students can be hurt while doing the activities.

Like these, the field day has many positive effects. Also, it has negative effects, too. Some say that field day is not essential for students, but I believe that school events like field day are essential to students because it can be a good time in the students' daily life.

By Seok Hoon Hwang


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