How can I become a teacher? 대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-11-13 10:31:00

Many people, such as young job seekers, women who have lost their careers through childbirth and childcare, workers who want to move or develop self-reliance, middle-aged job seekers, full-time housewives, etc.

A kind of job placement certificate, such as a school counselor, book adviser, and child art adviser, is one of the most promising private certificates for parents, parents, parents, and children, after-school education. In response, the Korea Education Association's Certificate Center offers discount events for all 22 types of promising certificates online, including those of reading guide, story-telling guide, and children's cooking instructor. Unlike other private certificate institutions, which receive 75 percent off tuition fees and shipping costs, the Korea Education Association provides free tuition and shipping costs for all other students.

▲ It is a teacher`s license to grant primary and secondary education (sourced by Google)

The Korea Institute of Education's program is comprised of education programs that allow low-income children, children's child-rearing and education programs to develop experts who can take care of after-school classes as more working couples increase. After acquiring various types of certificates related to after-school teachers, there are various education centers, cultural centers, social welfare centers, private education institutions, homeschooling start-ups, art academies, cooking institutes, libraries, essay writing institutes.

▲ This is the logo of the Korea Institute of Education. (sourced by Google)

The certification courses of the Korea Education Association consist of courses with limited knowledge of professional professors for each qualification period. In particular, because no application document is required for obtaining a certificate, all unemployed or incumbent can receive tomorrow's learning card, job performance package, tax credit card deduction for youth, employment insurance unemployment benefits, etc.

These benefits are seen as an increasing number of job seekers interested in job success packages and employee refund processes, as well as various age groups such as job seekers, housewives, women who prepare for employment, and high-school graduates.

A private certificate operated by the Korea Education Association Certificate Center is a private certificate registered with the Korea Proficiency Development Institute pursuant to the Framework Act on the Education Association's Certificate Center.


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