A Social Worker대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-11-13 10:32:49

As the fourth Industrial Revolution has evolved, the future jobs that we need are changing gradually. One of them is the social worker. Social workers help clients solve their social or personal problems. The work of a social worker requires problem-solving ability and persuading ability.

Social workers assist people who have difficulty in their social or individual life. They figure out the clients' situation and problem and give an alternative after analyzing that. Social workers work in various places such as in a hospital, school, sanatorium and many more. This being so, a social worker is called a stable job in the future.

▲ Social worker is helping people. (sourced by Google)

To become a social worker, it requires a second-level social worker license at least, and to acquire that license, you have to go through various processes. In these processes, first of all, you have to have a high academic background and complete 14 more major subjects like social work or social service. However, if you are a graduate of a technical course in college, you have to take 13 major subjects and social worker's practical exercise for one subject.

▲ This is second-level social worker`s certification. (sourced by Google)

It seems that social workers are in a stable job, but they have many difficulties. In an interview with Shin Jin-young, president of Incheon Social Welfare Association, she said that social workers are not good workers, but they are working on important things. Moreover, she said that there is 60 percent more of social workers who have difficulty in the statistic. So, social workers not only have a stable job but also many difficulties. They are helping people and are rewarded because of their job, but to get that, you have to pass various stages.


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