A Police Officer대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-11-13 10:37:19
  • 수정 2018-11-13 10:37:57

▲ Two Korean Animation Police Mascot

Living in a dangerous society with many terror happenings, we cannot let our guards down. However, if "this" did not exist, we would have all been killed because of attacks. You may this "this" is like a machine gun, tanks, military, and more. They are all right, however, there is a more specific answer to that question. "This" is the police.

The first reaction would be confusing since you think that the military catches the criminals attacking. However, who catches the criminals in our society is called the detective. You would be really confused not since an ordinary detective we think is a person who gets evidence to catch criminals. However, that is all wrong. A detective is who catches criminals since detectives do not wear uniforms in order to hide their identity. The police are who gets evidence. That is not all. There are other types of police officer who collects evidence and stores the evidence in one place for it to be easier for the detectives to catch the criminals.

It seems to be a very difficult thing to be a police officer, and it is. According to a corporal officer, Yoon, she said that you must be very smart and act quickly. Additionally, she said that the police collecting evidence must be healthy and strong to pass the test. Corporal Yoon added that her thoughts of being a police officer were to have the heart to serve others for good. She also said that there were many hard times when working. She gave an example when facing people who broke the law was actually standing for him/herself and not recognizing what he or she has done.

Nowadays, nowhere is perfectly safe since technology is adapting, and terrorists are becoming overpowered. But since there are police to serve others and protect citizens, we are able to be safe in the city. So, why do not we become a hero to everyone rather than being an ordinary citizen?

By David Oh


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