The School Festival of SeoGirls‘ Middle School대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-11-13 10:50:53

Have you ever been and enjoyed a school festival? If you have, do you remember how it was, and the proceeding? Each school holds school festivals in each different day, time, and proceeding, mostly. Also, the school festival in Ulsan SeoGirls' Middle School is being held for two days, first day in school and second day in Ulsan KBS Hall.

Li Min Seon, a student of SeoGirls' Middle School, said that the festival in her school is enjoyable. They can have a great time with friends, and the best part of it is that they can escape from wearing their school uniform. She said that the school uniform is uncomfortable to wear. However, at the school festival, they wear their own clothes. Moreover, in their school, they can enjoy comfortably because there are only girls. She also said that at the school festival, they have a talent show time, such as dancing, singing, and acting, so they can have a great time with friends by preparing for it. They also make booths for every class, like karaoke, movie theater, and game room.

▲ a picture of SeoGirls` School Festival

To hold this festival, there are great helpers. They are the students' mothers. When the students make booths for each class, their mothers help cooking food when they need foods. Teachers of the school are also great helpers. They hold and plan this festival for the students. Therefore, the school festival of Ulsan SeoGirls' Middle School can be not only for the students but also for the parents and teachers.

▲ a picture of SeoGirls` School Festival

Among these great advantages, there is one disadvantage. It is that the festival of the Ulsan SeoGirls' Middle School is usually held in winter, so it might be cold. However, except this, everything is alright. The students are practicing for the talent show at the festival now, too. The day that students can escape from the school lessons, and play, and have a great time with friends is an unforgettable and wonderful day.

Nov. 7th, By Young Eun Choi


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