Popular Job, Nurse대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-11-21 11:47:49

Do you know the most popular jobs nowadays? One of the most popular and most promising jobs are the job of the nurse. Nurses help doctors treat and cure the patients that are hospitalized. Also, they have the qualifications to the law.

▲ A nurse is a job of helping the patients.
What is the work of nurses? First, they administer the medicine which doctor prescribed to agree from patients to patients.

 And, nurses assign patients' schedule of a checkup or surgery. Also, they observe the patient's condition, the front and the rear of a checkup and surgery. They serve and help doctors during surgeryin the operating room.

You think that the job nurses only have nightingale ceremony, and they are elegant and earn the high wage.

▲ She is Lee Eun-gyeong, a nurse
However, it is a different story behind it. In the interview for Nurse Lee Eun-gyeong who has work experience of 13 years, she said that the advantage of this job is that she can help her family and every person around her. When her daughter had a cold, she also said that she likes her because she is a good nurse! Also, she can feel worth when patients thank her to treat and help them, and they recover from their disease and leave the hospital. However, there are also weaknesses. First weakness for a nurse is that it is too difficult to work for three- shift system. So, she often sleeps in inconsistent times, she does not have the regular rest day because she works in the fixed shift schedule. Through this interview, we can learn that the nurse is a hard job, but it has a lot of advantages.

To be a nurse, you have to go to the Department of Nursing Science and acquire the nursing qualification. Then, you can be a nurse and work to help patients and doctors in the hospital!

By Gayeon Kim


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