Interesting things of Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-05-24 13:55:12

Interesting things of Korea

Korean cultural festivals

장윤도 기자  |   2017-05-18

Icheon Ceramic Festival

▲ Icheon Ceramic Festival

1.  Ceramic Festival

 The festival is held in Icheon that is known for ceramics, painting on ceramics and hot springs. There are various programs you can participate in including uncovering ceramics and painting on ceramic.

 Admission and all programs are free of charge. Festival period is

 The festival is held from April 28 to May 14.

 Visit for information in Korean or English.



Flower Fesival in Ilsan

▲ Flower Fesival in Ilsan

2.    Horticulture Goyang Korea

 The festival is held at Ilsan Lake Park in Goyang until May 14. There are unique and rare plants, an indoor gardening flowers, outdoor theme parks. Since 1997 over 6.2 million visitors have visited.

 The operation hour is from 9 a.m to 9 p.m and the ticket price is 12,000won. (8,000won with on-line reservation)

           For more information visit in Korean Japanes or Chinese


Green Barley Festival In Gochang

▲ Green Barley Festival In Gochang

3.    Green Barley Fest

 Green Barley Festival is held every year in Gochang from April 22 to May 15.

Visitors can enjoy various activities such as making flutes out of barley and searching for hidden treasures in the field.

 Participation fees vary by program. Call the travel hotline 1330 for more information .


Lotus Lantern Festival In Busan

▲ Lotus Lantern Festival In Busan

4.   Busan Lotus Lantern festival

 It is an annual tradition which provides visitors with opportunities to go through Buddhist culture along with various programs like sharing traditional tea, eating temple food, and making lotus lantern etc. The fest is held at Busan Citizen park. The main events are the Grand Buddhist Ceremony and the lotus Latern Parade. 

     For more information you can call to 1330,the travel hotline. 


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