The accident of Suk-Myung Girls‘ High School대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-12-03 18:59:43

▲ Public Prosecutors` office started investigating

In Korea, a serious test problem happened, which could affect the future of school exams. The problem was at Suk-Myung Girls' High School; low-level students became top students by dishonest circumstances. People want to know how the accident occurred, and how it can be prevented.

▲ The twin sisters suspected OMR card

The twin girls are the daughters of a school test teacher at Suk- Myung Girls' High School. They had a very low score in a trial run of an examination. But, they got the best score on the Mid-term test. Many people thought the test teacher gave the girls the test paper before the test, but the problem remained, their test errors were the same. The twin older sister was top of the liberal arts in the high school, and the younger sister was the top of the science in the high school. Their exam papers were different, so the errors couldn't have been the same. Because of this, it was suggested that the test teacher and the twins worked together.

▲ Twin sisters cell phone

At their home, a memo was found. The memo had the exam answers. The teacher knew many things about the exam paper, such as the login number of the exam paper box, and he worked in the school at night, unsupervised. Also, more evidence was discovered, like the twins cell phones which have text answers of the English exam. But the twins denied it, without anyone believing them. If the crime was successful, the university would have suffered, and other students’ averages could have been affected.

The result of this accident is that the twins will be denied in attending school, and the test teacher will be on trial. The accident teaches us to be “honest.” If they hadn’t cheated, they would attend university easily. Also, from now on exam papers must be guarded and controlled more strictly. This accident was an educational tragedy and the Suk-Myung Girls’ High School will be a good reminder.


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