Pangyo Middle School Event대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-12-04 10:31:14

Have you ever enjoyed your school's events? There are a lot of events in our school.
Our school's sports day is one of the hottest events. Physical education class usually lasts about six hours. Another unique feature is that only the third graders can wear shorts. On the sports day, there are activities such as relaying, tug-of-war, strategic tug-of-war, hurdles running, group jumping, and talent show. There are a year-end cheerleading award and a year-end winner prize.
There is one more event, the school festival. Our school festival called Pangyo-Nuri Festival. All grades participate in the festival. There is a chorus, cheerleading, and dancing. The first prize will be given for each school year, and the broadcasting dance club will also participate. The third graders will operate the booths for each class, which allow all grades to participate for free.
One of my friends said, that our school festival is only for the third grade. I believe other grades will be sad. However, our principal said that it is for all students in our school. Even though some events are for the third grade, I believe our school events are so exciting and have many good effects such as have students happy and help students to cultivate a sense of cooperation.

박서현 2018.11.17


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