Ebola Virus대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-12-29 18:15:11

Ebola Virus

Solutions to Avoid Ebola Virus

The Ebola virus is an infectious and frequently fatal disease marked by fever and severe internal bleeding. Ebola virus cannot be spread by water, air or food. It is spread by human’s blood, body fluids or tissue of infected animals or people. The first Ebola virus was discovered in 1976, near the Ebola River. In that period, the bat hunting was popular. Ebola viruses’ host was the bats, so by contacting through the blood, the Ebola virus’ outbreak had begun.

From 2014 to 2016, the Ebola virus was spread widely in West Africa. There were 30,000 cases which were reported by WHO, and 10,000 people were killed. Ebola virus is spreading in Uganda fast. Before Ebola virus had begun, it had signed the body. It causes fever, severe headache, muscle pain, and more. It will happen two to 21 days later. Clinical Infectious Diseases, Soushieta Jagadish, MBBS, and MSc from Liverpool University sent teams of researchers to investigate 27 survivors of Ebola virus compared to those that are unaffected and researched them for 12 months. They conducted self-test physically and mentally. They are found accessing disability at least one out of six domains about visions, self-care, hearing, mobility, cognition, and communication. According to YTN News, in the Republic of Congo, 365 people were affected and 189 peoples were killed. Ebola virus has been killing hundreds of people and affecting severe disability.
If you still want to go to Africa, there are things that you have to do to avoid getting affected by the Ebola virus. First, you need to wash your hands often. Ebola virus is spread by human’s blood and by physical contact with people. Second, keep a distance between you and bats or monkeys. Monkeys and bats are Ebola’s hosts, so keep a distance.


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